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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 03:14:45 +0200

Re: Open list of issues before Degas goes out

Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Sep 1998, Emmanuel Marty wrote:
> > * Licensing issues
>         Everything is GPLed now and can't be relicensed except by the
> original author(s).  And they can use multiple licenses.  I honestly
> don't see the license issue as needing to be resolved right now.

libggi is LGPLed and AFAIK everyone agreed that that's what it
should be.

Kgicon is still GPLed, and that's BAD as the drivers can _only_ be
used on Linux and HURD... We talked about changing that to LGPL
a few weeks ago, and noone objected to that. If noone objects
I'll change the license notes in kgicon in a few days.

I will also remove the license/copyright notice completely for
every file that states to be copyrighted by "The GGI project" as
we're not a valid legal entity. If you know you have written
one of those files please change the copyright to your name.

I'll also remove the copyright notices from the Makefiles. If
someone wants to copyright their makefiles you can just keep
them, and I'll write a new one that's in the public domain... ;-)

> > * Potentially, this autoconf/automake issue.
>         No, not again! |->

What do you mean by that?

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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