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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 00:03:57 +0200

ANNOUNCE: cvsweb browsing of sources and changes in CVS

Hello all,

I looked around for the best way to achieve what Hartmut proposed
(that we would have a way of seeing the latest changes to the repository
with comments), and decided to use a free tool already put to good use b
some famous projects like samba and the bleeding edge linux kernel at vger.

It originates from the FreeBSD project, and it's called cvsweb. I have
no idea why I didn't install it before, as it took about 10 minutes total
to download, install and configure. But it's there now. You can:

* Browse the sources in the developer CVS repository like they are at
  this very instant. No need to have some cronjob delayed by a day like
  on our website.

* Have a quick view of the changes done to the files.

* Select to view a file, and view the log comments, make diffs between
  versions, and do a side-by-side comparison of the current source against
  an earlier one of your choice.

In short: it rocks! Have fun with it, and I hope it'll help you.
It is available at

I'll put more services at (actually when they are needed; like generated
binaries and tinderbox (not sandbox, oh well ;)

Chris, if you hear us, please link that from our website.

I have kept the notices and links to the cvsweb distribution point
on our banner, it's the least I could do in order to thanks its
author, Bill Fenner.


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