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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 23:00:41 +0200

Re: Libggi and KGI (was: Re: kgi vs. fbcon)

Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> Libggi is at version 1.4, kgicon has never been released, the old
> 0.0.9 KGI (the kernel-driver bridge, not the API itself as kgicon
> uses that) has been scrapped, the last release of EvStack was 0.4,
> and neither GGI console or steffens new KGI API has been released,
> and we agreed that we should keep the different projects separate.
> So I'm very curious about what you mean with "GGI version 0.1.0,
> codename Degas" ? ;-)
> My suggestion is that we release kgicon as Degas, as GGI's primary
> goal always has been kernel graphics.

Sorry, this post wasn't very clear, as I explained my thoughts about
Degas on another :) Yes, by Degas, I mean KGICON, and the current
libggi, in two different packages. I guess we still have plenty of
time to get them to work completely for christmas eve ? It's in
a bit more than 3 months.. :)


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