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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 15:05:39 -0400

RE: Automatic CVS logs? [also sandbox and bonsai discussion]

HAving little expoerience with CVS and practically none with a script like
this, it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to get a list of files
that differ since a certain time, and get their check-in comments.. a nice
html page could be generated with this =)

-David Waite

> Talking about CVS, Andreas asked about that once but I was a bit
> busy to set them up - I still am now, but I'll ask anyway - do
> you think that tools like bonsai and sandbox (cf.
> would be needed? Bonsai sound quite anal-retentive to me (ie.
> "developer management" with the quotes and all), we are
> civilized developers and the tree hasn't been broken seriously
> ever by some lone star. However, sandbox (which compiles a source
> tree constantly on several operating systems/evironment, and reports
> failures coupling them with the corresponding check-in that broke it)
> sounds useful to make sure that our changes don't break the compilation
> on, say, digital unix or bsd, even if we don't have such a box to test.
> I would need help about that though - hosts providing *BSD compilation,
> linux libc5 and digital unix mostly (those hosts needing to be reachable
> 24/7 over the internet). I can provide linux glibc x86/m68K/alpha,
> solaris sparc and irix. I could also connect a given system for free
> to the internet if it's sent over to me, and used for sandbox, I
> can always dream huh :P

Oh this does sound really cool- say a script that compiles the daily
and if the compile didn't work, it generates a log.. if it does, it creates
*.bin.tgz file and a *.rpm file =) More of course when other platforms are
more thorougly =)

-David Waite

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