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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 21:09:53 +0200

Open list of issues before Degas goes out

It's me again :)

I guess we should start thinking about a Degas release. Dali has been out
for a long while now, and things have changed a lot in the linux kernel
graphics world.

Here is a list of things that I am thinking about, that need to be done
before we can start a complete feature freeze, then debug and test like
crazy until we can consider it as a public release :

* Licensing issues
* Adapting kgicon configuration to the kernel, or the opposite, but
  we need to do some seamless integration.
* Obviously, decide something on that synchronous rendering topic.
* Getting the generic monitor driver to become the standard and
  remove the others.
* Get all drivers to work in all modes with fbcon, accordingly debugging
  fbcon if necessary.
* Potentially, this autoconf/automake issue.
* Testing
* Debugging
* Some more testing

The goal being to provide driver modules that fbcon can use for
rendering without users messing with kernel compilation; as well
as libggi with if possible an API that really-we-aren't-shitting-
you will stay the same from then on. Ideally the drivers would
be integrated in the kernel tree (as, like the QNX filesystem
that was just added, they don't break _anything_). And libggi
would be distributed as rpms/debs/whatnots as well.

Do you think we could aim for a release on the night of 24 to
25 december ? Like we were going to do last year :) It's far
away enough, I think.

Okay, I'm done babbling for tonight (my from: address isn't
for the status, it's just that the list doesn't seem to like
the MX records for, I'll figure it out eventually :)


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