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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 20:47:03 +0200

Re: Automatic CVS logs? [also sandbox and bonsai discussion]

Hartmut Niemann wrote:

> Hi!
> Would it be possible/interesting for you, if we got a dayly
> autogenerated message from the CVS system with
> all file change log messages with -who did it- and -what files are
> affected- and -the reason given-?
> It would be only one more message on this list, and it would give
> people a quick overview what changed in the tree.
> Possible?
> Comments?

That's a great idea Hartmut. The bleeding edge kernel at vger
have some email thing every time someone does a change. Without
going that far, I agree that a daily CVS log would be very nice.

I am not a CVS expert, but I'll do my best to find a fitting
solution for that and set it up on degas. If someone out there
knows of a freely available and working set of scripts/programs,
please speak up and I'll be very grateful.

Talking about CVS, Andreas asked about that once but I was a bit
busy to set them up - I still am now, but I'll ask anyway - do
you think that tools like bonsai and sandbox (cf.
would be needed? Bonsai sound quite anal-retentive to me (ie.
"developer management" with the quotes and all), we are
civilized developers and the tree hasn't been broken seriously
ever by some lone star. However, sandbox (which compiles a source
tree constantly on several operating systems/evironment, and reports
failures coupling them with the corresponding check-in that broke it)
sounds useful to make sure that our changes don't break the compilation
on, say, digital unix or bsd, even if we don't have such a box to test.
I would need help about that though - hosts providing *BSD compilation,
linux libc5 and digital unix mostly (those hosts needing to be reachable
24/7 over the internet). I can provide linux glibc x86/m68K/alpha,
solaris sparc and irix. I could also connect a given system for free
to the internet if it's sent over to me, and used for sandbox, I
can always dream huh :P


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