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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 20:37:22 +0200

PROPOSAL: irc meeting sunday sept. 20 ?

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since our last irc meeting; a couple of months,
but in the meantime, libggi and kgi have known deep changes. Jason
is coming up with what looks like a very promising GGI Console on
PowerPC, and Steffen Seeger finally presented his new KGI specification
to a selected few, and as americans among us would say, it seems
to kick ass ;)

I propose that we all attend an irc meeting on sunday september 20
(ie. not this sunday, but the next one). I would particularily want
to discuss how we will fit the new KGI and the GGI console/PPC port
in the future plans of the GGI project. Namely how the current,
functional, driver base will be integrated in KGI without reworking
them, and how the GGI console can be made to be a drop-in replacement
for fbcon, with all the advantages we all expect from this.

I would propose 4 PM mediterranean time as meeting time (it will be
the middle of the night for Andrew Apted, but at least he won't
have to wake up very early ;), and morning to mid-morning for
Americans. I wish we would have as many people as possible this
time, as irc discussions usually have a very positive impact
on our development. Time can be adjusted at will, this is just
a proposal.

Please tell me what you think :)


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