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  To  :
  Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:23:37 +0200 (MEST)

Re: SYNC mode should go

Hi !

> > I would like to keep SYNC mode for psychological reasons to make LibGGI
> > more popular for those people that have only used synchronous libs before.
> That's a very good point.

Thanks for supporting me, Hartmut, but it seems I have to give in.

I still think that this will cause a big bunch of faulty applications being
written because
  a) noone reads the docs
  b) so they just change the obvious things
  c) This works, because they use SVGAlib or some other inherently SYNC
  d) Then the code breaks when run under X.

But o.k. - I seem to be in the minority, so remove SYNC mode.
And if you remove it, remove it entirely. No flush-each-primitive-hack.
This really crawls and gives bad press.

I sincerely hope that I was wrong with my judgement above.


= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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