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  Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 17:08:18 -0400 (EDT)

Re: generic monitor test result

On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Sven wrote:

> > > bogomips kraxel ~# ll /dev/fb0
> > > crw--w--w-   1 root     root      29,   0 Jul 25 18:30 /dev/fb0
> > Well, then they could thrash the console contents instead, which is
> > almost as bad. Sometimes I really wish Linux/Unix had a sane
> ???? is it not, that only one program at a  time can have /dev/fb0 open ?
> so you just open a little program that uopens[ fbcon, when you don't run X, and when you run X nobody can access fbxcon anyway.

Well, there's still the potential for a race between the time your little
program shuts down and X starts up... then, something can take over and
prevent both your little proggie and X from starting up.  Combine that with
a walking forkbomb (i.e. it keeps forking and _exit()ing in the original
process after grabbing an fd for the device) or something, and you've got a
pretty effective D-O-S attack.

I'm a devious b*st*rd, aren't I?


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