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  From: Nikita Proskourine <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 10:06:12 -0400

Re: MediaGX should work better with fbcon now

At 07:23 PM 9/1/98 -0600, Sengan Baring-Gould wrote:
>Please test. You should now be able to get beyond the con2fbmap 0 1

I apologize for not being able to test it yet: my ext2 filesystem is
partially corrupted (I have NO idea how that happened, I didn't change
anything besides the libraries) and ex2fsck exits with segmentation fault
no matter what parameter I give it (even version request). Every once in a
while EXT2-FS gives various errors and I can't even run vi. One time it
even failed on shutdown and gave a kernel-panic. As soon as I get my
filesystem stable again, I'll let you know how the MediaGX driver is doing.


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