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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 00:35:38 +0200

Re: SYNC mode should go

> > LibGGI (and certainly some of the underlying target
> > implementations) doesn't seem to really be async-signal-safe anyway, so the
> > signal-based mansync is kinda dangerous...
>         Of course there are improvements that are needed.  Perhaps even
> fairly large ones.  But IMHO the basic idea of a simple timer-based
> flusher is works keeping around as an *option*.

We're not talking about removing _mansync_, but the entire SYNC mode.
Mansync is not something that saves you from writing another
periodic flusher, mansync is an evil consequence of having a SYNC
mode on ASYNC targets

But after some consideration I don't think we should remove SYNC
What we should do is make ASYNC mode the default, and load the mansync
library when the user calls ggiSetflags(SYNC), not always.

It will be just like removing SYNC mode, but it's still there for
simple testing. We just state in the docs that SYNC mode is evil
ans should be avoided whenever we can.

And btw, on glibc systems you don't have to mess with signals
to do mansync, you just use the pthread mansync.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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