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  From: Sven <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 15:14:00 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: libggi not working ...

> You're the first one I think, so it could be a bumpy ride :-)

thought so :)

> Yes we need some checks in there, but I haven't a clue what they should
> be.  (I'd guess something like #ifdef __powerpc__ etc).

not so nice an idea, and remember the powerpc can be both little and bigendian,
so this is not entirely enough.

why you don't use a nice and correct autoconf/automake  made configure script ?

i think there are standard ways of testing endiannes, and if not, you could 
just write a int somewhere and then read it byte by byte and test the result.

> interleaved-planar modes.  This will take 3-4 days (at least).

i will wait so long then, email me privately when you have something. so i can check it.



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