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  From: Alexander Larsson <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:39:31 +0200

fbcon idea, is this possible?

I just looked around the fbcon sources a bit, and i have a suggestion that i 
wonder if it would be possible.

 I'd like to pull out all the vc switching code from fbcon.c and put it into a layer just above fb.h.

 Then i would modify fbmem.c so that it uses that vc switching code to virtualize several framebuffers. /dev/fbX_0 to /dev/fbX_16 with /dev/fbX meaning the current active virtual framebuffer on that framebuffer.

 This would enable several graphical programs to run on different vc's.

 All virtual framebuffers are world readable/writeable, but you get -EBUSY if you try to open it when you're not root or the process is on the current vt. Only root can open a new virtual framebuffer/console. This would remove the need for programs to be setuid root.

Soo, what about it? Geert?

/ Alex

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