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  From: Alexander Larsson <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 12:10:54 +0200

Re: SYNC mode should go

> The problem I see is, that people who are accustomed to other graphics APIs,
> which are inherently synchronous (because they access some framebuffer e.g.),
> will find using LibGGI a major pain, as they have to drop in all those 
> "useless" Flush() calls.

 I don't think it will be hard for people to understand flush(). It's not a 
conceptually hard thing. Most gfx programs render a full screens work of gfx 
and the display it anyway, so adding a flush is mechanical at best. Also other 
libraries like OpenGL enforces flush() calls, so it's not something unusual.

 I vote for removing the sync mode.

/ Alex

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