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  From: Sven <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 10:28:16 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: Libggi and KGI (was: Re: kgi vs. fbcon)

> > I agree. We should push libggi more since its almost done. What we need to

W > do is find people to write apps for it and I mean really good apps. Also

W How is the documentation on libGGI?  I've never gotten libGGI to reliably

> run on my system though, whether it is an X target or not.  SOmetimes it'd
> work, and sometimes it wouldn't.

and libggi don't run yet very well on the standard fbdev target, at least not for me
(amiga AGA fbdev).

but i agree, this is the most important part of ggi, it should be able to run without flaw,
be easily configurable, compilable and packageable. It would be nice to have it on all
debian 2.1 supported plateforms when debian 2.1 ships for example (scheduled to ship
in november).

it this feasible, ? it will be a big breakthrough for ggi, and once you have that running, you can 
add the other parts bit by bit, the people will already be used to it.



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