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  From: Roland Nagtegaal <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 01:59:35 +0200

Re: kgi vs. fbcon

About what moves people to something new, like GGI:

People will like GGI if you accomplish making what they already know
work better than it did before. Like maybe make gtk faster by basing
it on libGGI ?

Others, like the gnome/enlightenment/gimp/gtk developers, will want a
better X than X. A (GPL) X window server with alpha channel support
for instance. And a _fast_ shape extension, and multihead out of the
box, and acceleration, and anti aliased fonts, and openGL built-in, 
and generally faster and smaller would be nice too...

XGGI with GL -> XGL ?


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