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  From: James A Simmons <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 18:01:24 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Libggi and KGI (was: Re: kgi vs. fbcon)

> I have a remark here.. A lot of people dislike GGI, because they have tried
> once to get KGI to work. Of course they get the oldest version of the whole
> ggi package that is available..
> (imo it'd be best to remove the 0.0.8 and 0.0.9 versions completely, or put
> them in very weird directories stating they're to be considered nostalgic) 
> .. and of -course- they have a new videoboard and no support. The outcome is 
> that they think the whole of GGI is rubbish. They don't even look at libGGI,
> for they think that if not even the driver will work, then how will that Huge
> library ever work? We all know -here- that libggi runs perfectly in X and
> SVGAlib, but my experience is that `newbies` really don't know that.
> I guess it'd be best for the GGI project to split KGI and libGGI up even more
> given of course this is possible. I run libGGI happily for more than a year now
> I think. With KGI, without KGI using svgalib, sometimes in X11 to demonstrate
> at someone else's et cetera. LibGGI is really stable the moment, and can be
> used to create a lot of cool applications. So I think KGI is `in the way` for
> getting a large userbase there. People interested in specific KGI functionality
> are pleased at the very first sight and will never be blocked by libGGI of
> course, but the other way around might be the problem..
> Just my humble opinion ...

I agree. We should push libggi more since its almost done. What we need to
do is find people to write apps for it and I mean really good apps. Also
once libggi3d is done this will make a big difference for game
programmers. Thats what I'm waiting for. I like to have a game run in X,
svgalib, glide etc. Also if we could get it to be distrubted with say
redhat and the other distributions then we definetly make a big splash.
Think gnome with Redhat 5.1. I never knew about it until I got the

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