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  Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 21:27:25 +0000

Libggi and KGI (was: Re: kgi vs. fbcon)

On 09 09, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> I do not intend to comment a lot on this, but please keep in mind what you
> wrote above: fbcon had to solve the graphics console problem!
> Issues like real multihead (multiple input devices) are something completely
> different.
> I think that was one of the major reasons why GGI wasn't accepted in the
> standard kernel yet: replacing too many subsystems at once doesn't work with
> Linus. You have to conquer him (very small) piece by piece.

I have a remark here.. A lot of people dislike GGI, because they have tried
once to get KGI to work. Of course they get the oldest version of the whole
ggi package that is available..

(imo it'd be best to remove the 0.0.8 and 0.0.9 versions completely, or put
them in very weird directories stating they're to be considered nostalgic) 

.. and of -course- they have a new videoboard and no support. The outcome is 
that they think the whole of GGI is rubbish. They don't even look at libGGI,
for they think that if not even the driver will work, then how will that Huge
library ever work? We all know -here- that libggi runs perfectly in X and
SVGAlib, but my experience is that `newbies` really don't know that.

I guess it'd be best for the GGI project to split KGI and libGGI up even more
given of course this is possible. I run libGGI happily for more than a year now
I think. With KGI, without KGI using svgalib, sometimes in X11 to demonstrate
at someone else's et cetera. LibGGI is really stable the moment, and can be
used to create a lot of cool applications. So I think KGI is `in the way` for
getting a large userbase there. People interested in specific KGI functionality
are pleased at the very first sight and will never be blocked by libGGI of
course, but the other way around might be the problem..

Just my humble opinion ...

smoke of crap
`/usr/games/fortune -o`

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