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  From: Alexander Larsson <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 13:15:44 +0200

Re: generic monitor test result

> XF_FBDev as since forever run without being root on my linux/m68k fbdev ?

 Interesting... What permissions do you have for /dev/fb0 then?
 World writable+readable? Seems like a security hole, but otherwise you must 
be root or member of some kind of framebuffer group to access it.

 How is this normally solved for m68k? When i use kgicon i create an fb group 
and added trusted users to it, then i chgrp:ed all fb devices to that group.

 Ideally this could be fixed by login doing a chown on the fb device, maybe 
m68k login does this. x86 most certainly doesn't.

/ Alex

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