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  From: Jason Twamley <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 08:33:22 +0000

XF68_FBDev install?

Hi again
Well I now have kgi working on my Mil II at 1024x768 on a VESA monitor setting!
I tried multisync but the PC hangs when I insmod.
fbset seems weird in that only very specific settings will work.
One does'nt know what these are and I just played around until I found one that
worked. The no of bitplanes seems to be also a bit strange
>fbset -g 1024 768 1024 768 5
up to 
>fbset -g 1024 768 1024 768 12

I have downloaded Gerd Knorr's new version of XF68_FBDev server
Can someone please give me some instructions on how to set it up with KGI?
I also see that a detail of the Config file was posted here a while back.

Much Thanks
Jason Twamley

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