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  From: Jan Kneschke <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 23:35:55 +0200 (MEST)

programming of clocks

i stumbled over a piece of documention and wonder why i read the following:

VGA-Hardware (s3-vision):
		00 = select 25.175 MHz as DCLK
		01 = select 28.322 MHz as DLCK
		11 = enhanced clocks 
Clock-Chip (tvp3026)
		00 = select 25.175 MHz as DCLK
		01 = select 28.322 MHz as DLCK
		11 = set by Pixel Clock PLL

i think this two bit are harwired to the PLLSEL-facility of the clock-chip.
is this true ?? if no, how to change the PLLSEL-lines ?

the clock-chip offers the possiblity to ignore the PLLSEL-line, but this
facility isn't used here.

i just read that MISC-bits using the 8bit-data-path to the clock-chip. 
so, who set the PLLSEL-lines ???

thats all

       Project: GGI - S3-Vision-driver --
         -)=  Jan (Weigon) Kneschke -- Kiel -- Northern Germany =(-

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