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  From: mass <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 13:58:05 -0400

Driver Q's :)

Greetings all =)

First I have a question about kgicon- is it possible to load two kgicon
modules, for a multimonitor support? If so, this is something that
really belongs in the FAQ :) If not (I'm actually imagining not since we
aren't using GGI console and there really isn't a clear multimonitor
model without it), belongs in the FAQ anyways =)

Secondly, I'd like to ask if anyone can help me with problems with my
clock driver. I recently checked in the IBM RGB52x driver (the
clock/prog/rgb52x.c file is the one I use, I noticed that the rgbnew.c
file which controls 526 and higher clock setting hasn't been updated
with the correct symbols.. I'll get all this straightened out tonight,
although I do not have a 526 to test with)

The screen only seems to work blurrily in 800x600x32 mode, at around 72
Mhz clock. Less than about 69 it doesn't work (seems to work around 50
Mhz with 640x480x32). Haven't yet gotten a 16 or 8 bit mode to work.
Clock does seem to be at least partially set in the S3 968 driver
however- Setting the N value to something way too low broke the working
800x600 mode.

The blurriness of 800x600 and 640x480 modes is hard to describe- it is
like the signal is drawing 1 1/2 times. it also slightly flickers,
strange because the monitor is supposedly refreshing at like 90 Hz.

BTW, is there a way to unload a kgicon module once it is inserted? it
would really help my effort if I could get the things out without
rebooting =)

-David Waite

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