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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 19:03:08 +0200

Re: Failed to open visual ??

Jason Twamley wrote:
> Thank you MArcus,
> I had an old libggi in /lib/ggi and /usr/local/lib which I removed.
> However the new develop ggi-devel-980903.tar.gz snap libggi does not
> make and install. It seems to be broken. I had to move the by hand
> and (dont know why?) libggi.conf needed to be put into / before it would work
> ??  why not /etc/ggi ?

It should be in /etc/ggi. You probably has/had a broken .config
file in the libggi dir when you built it.

> Now I switched the FRAMEBUFFER to /dev/fb1 and
> fbset -i says its KGI now
> note that I cannot alter the display mode with fbset as I get an ioctl
> error.

Are you using the -g option to fbset to set modes? Like in
fbset -g 800 600 800 600 8

> I can now see most of the demos in the VGA mode
> Checkmode says I have all 640x400 bitplane modes but thats it.
> The te_demo could not set the mode
> the texttest could not set the mode

IIRC modesetting on the fbdev target was introduced after 980903.
A general rule when using the devel snapshots is that if it doesn't
work and the snapshot is older than two days you should get the
newest one.

> Phew..I am getting there... perhaps someone could fix the libggi compile
> scripts?

They should be fixed in the current snapshots.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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