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  From: Jason Twamley <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 10:19:31 +0000

Failed to open default visual

Thank you Andreas,

Firstly the text "unable to open default visual, exiting."
appears in 

The debug setting LIBGGI_DEBUG=255 works and gives me:
init.c:195: Debugging=255
init.c:346: Loading driver display-KGI:/dev/graphic
dl.c:55: hand.handle=0x804c7b0
dl.c:62: hand.init=0x400df908
dl.c:63: hand.cleanup=0x400df9bc
dl.c:92: 0x804d960=_ggiLoadDL("/usr/local/lib/ggi/display/")
dl.c:97: -2147483648=dlh->init(0x804d5d0,"/dev/graphic") - display-KGI 
dl.c:219: ZAPDL call: 0x804d5d0 0x804d664
dl.c:219: ZAPDL call: 0x804d5d0 0x804d6b4
dl.c:219: ZAPDL call: 0x804d5d0 0x804d714
dl.c:219: ZAPDL call: 0x804d5d0 0x804d82c
init.c:346: Loading driver display-svga
dl.c:55: hand.handle=(nil)
dl.c:92: (nil)=_ggiLoadDL("/usr/local/lib/ggi/display/")
dl.c:219: ZAPDL call: 0x804d5d0 0x804d6a4
dl.c:219: ZAPDL call: 0x804d5d0 0x804d6f4
dl.c:219: ZAPDL call: 0x804d5d0 0x804d98c
dl.c:219: ZAPDL call: 0x804d5d0 0x804c774
demo: unable to open default visual, exiting.
init.c:275: ggiExit: really destroying.

I do not have XF86_SVGA running. Should the display by pointer towards KGI?
If not how do I change it?

Jason Twamley

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