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  From: Torgeir Veimo <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 17:52:46 +0000

Re: vision-driver

Steffen Seeger wrote:

> - in single-head environments, just load the driver and everthing is
>   auto-detected
> - in multi-head environments you have to give the pcibus,pcidev and
>   (optionally) pcifn options and the driver knows the device to drive.
>   It cannot use auto-detection, as there is no general way to tell if
>   a detected device is served by a driver or not.

One should be able to ask a driver to do autodetection on a subrange of
the PCI devices only.

Each driver would report back what pci device it initialized, and the
autodetection layer would leave out that device for the remaining

This would require a pci specific autodetection routine at a higher
level than the drivers themselves.

Is your new design ready for comments yet?


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