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  From: Sven <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 16:38:18 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: libggi not working ... (GNU stuff/complaints/answers)

> Actually I did think so, yes.  As I have -always- had GNU stuffy on my Linux
> box I never knew better.  (and I've only recently gotten into Visual C++.. A
> long time ago I used to program with Watcom C++ and Borland C++ and in those
> days autoconf/.. didn't exist - and for the most part neither did any

i hope not to much ggi developpers are mostly familiar with the M$ way of doing things.

> and GNU has never made it any easier to find out.  Their documentation?
> what documentation?

there are the .info files, the man pages, andnaturally the source itsefl.

anyway, configure is just a shell script, and i think nd it works everywhere where there is a true OS underneath.

for M$ people (what they need ggi for ?)  you just give them binaries, and anyone who wants tro compile the stuff themself should get the appropiate tools, or just install  DJGPP.



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