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  To  :
  Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 15:34:27 +0200 (MEST)

Re: linux-journal

Hi !

> > I'll give it a try after my holidays. Or do you want to write an article ?
> > (Would be fine with me ...).
> no, not yet. firt i have to do the tutorial to find out what ggi is capable
> of. if i've done this i wanna put my knowledge into a series of acticles
> about programming in ggi.
> BTW: can the people who ported stuff ggi (doom, descent, syna, ...) give an
> overview what they had to do to get it running ?? if want to get famous you
> have to tell stories, you know.

O.K. - though my story is a simple one. On all the ports I did, it was
basically just a matter of replacing a few calls to other graphics APIs
to LibGGI calls. Just search out the functions that set the graphics mode
and that do the rendering and do some trivial replacements.

The only thing that was bad about such ports is, that many of them are using
DirectBuffer, what (depending on the type of program) wastes possible 
acceleration and they usually assume a specific buffer layout, what causes
them to fail on unusual modes/targets.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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