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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 18:01:56 -0400

IBM RGB52x series Ramdac/clock driver

I sent this earlier, but it didn't appear to make it through, so I'm
sending again.

I am planning on checking the new version of the IBM RGB52x series
ramdac drivers sometime today or tomorrow. 

There is still a horrible problem with it . It looks like clocking, but
the PLL reads back with the correct frequency. Looks like the S3 chipset
and the Ramdac are out of phase- anyone know what courld be causing
this? If I use my multimonitor setting (Mag DX17T) it works in
800x600x32 mode and 640x480x32 mode. Both look like there is a pixel
leadoff to the right. Trying the monosync SVGA driver showed something
briefly that looked like it was all confused aboug vsync, then the
monitor went to sleep.

Hard to describe. Also, the fbset is saying that my monitor is going at
103 Hz vertical refresh, above the 100 Hz I allow. Setting this lower
the card doesn't seem to go into a viewable video mode however.

I have yet to get 16 bit, 8 bit or 4 bit modes working. They might be
working, but the monitor goes to sleep.

The Ramdac part of it seems to work fine however. I have not tried text
mode yet, but it worked fine back in the Dali day

Anyways, anyone have a URL to explain what I should do for checking in
files? I'm familiar with sourcesafe, but have barely used CVS.

-David Waite

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