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  Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 23:24:36 -0500

Re: Idea: Form for bug reports ?

On Tue, Nov 09, 1999 at 12:02:12PM +0100, wrote:
> Hi folks !
> Today I again got a pretty unspecific bugreport.
> I do understand, that it is hard for a casual user to generate a meaningful 
> bug report, and even the hacker types will not know about the LibGGI
> diagnostik tools and techniques.
> So how about including a "Bughunting" document or a bug report form.
> The inclusion of the sysinfo script greatly helped in reporting yet
> undetected chipsets, and I assume we might get a similar effect from such
> a document.
> So if you think this would be a good idea, we should build a Q&A-sheet
> and/or a script that will gather some information and include it in the
> snapshots.
> I'd suggest we just put it together here on the ML, so all can contribute.

Back in the old days, did not someone attempt to put up a web interface for
bug management, like the debian DBTS, or bugzilla?

Whatever happneded to this, and is it still a viable method? (ie, is it
maintainable, and who could maintain/host it)


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