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  From: James Simmons <>
  To  : GGI GGI <>
  Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:44:30 -0500 (EST)

Re: XFree86 multihead

> Hello,
> Did anyone listening succeed iin starting two XF86 servers on two different 
> videocards? 

I never done it but I know people who have with XFB_Dev. To get it going
all you have to do is setenv FRAMEBUFFER /dev/fb2 to use the second head.
The mouse and keyboard handling is a big PITA to work out but they got it 
to work.

> What are the config files?

I could get a copy.

> What cards do work?

Any cards supported by fbdev.

> I have added null displays to kgi-0.9, so you can use the compatiblity
> layer more easily to run XFree86 in true multihead environments :-))

Neat. I will have to look at this new kgi-0.9 to bring fbcon up to speed.

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