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  To  : mailing list GGI <>
  Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 12:02:12 +0100 (MET)

Idea: Form for bug reports ?

Hi folks !

Today I again got a pretty unspecific bugreport.

I do understand, that it is hard for a casual user to generate a meaningful 
bug report, and even the hacker types will not know about the LibGGI
diagnostik tools and techniques.

So how about including a "Bughunting" document or a bug report form.

The inclusion of the sysinfo script greatly helped in reporting yet
undetected chipsets, and I assume we might get a similar effect from such
a document.

So if you think this would be a good idea, we should build a Q&A-sheet
and/or a script that will gather some information and include it in the

I'd suggest we just put it together here on the ML, so all can contribute.

O.K. - I'll make a start:

----- snip -----
LibGGI - Bug report form

1. General questions:

1.a) What platform are you using ?
[ ] Linux [ ] Solaris [ ] Irix [ ] *BSD [ ] other Unix: ________ 
[ ] other (like Win, OS/2,...): _________

2. Installation problems.

2.a) Did you have any problems in installing LibGGI ?
Please give the error messages from the configure/make/make install commands.

2.b) If you fixed any install problems, please list what you did.

3. Running programs

3.a) Did the LibGGI demos (especially "demo") run after installation ?

3.b) Do they still run under the circumstances under which you experience
     your problem ?

3.c) If the demos did not run, please check, if they run on a standard X
     server, if available for your setup.

3.d) If the demos do not run, please give their diagnostic message.

3.e) Run the demos or your problematic program with LibGGI debugging enabled:
     bash$ LIBGGI_DEBUG=255 ./demo 2>libggi_debugfile  or   
           LIBGGI_DEBUG=255 ./problemprog 2>libggi_debugfile

3.f) Especially if you suspect a permission problem or similar, please use
     strace to gain further debugging info:
     bash$ strace ./demo 2>strace_debugfile

3.g) If your program is not a native LibGGI program, but e.g. an SVGAlib
     application running via the wrapper, please make sure that
     a) the program runs on native SVGAlib
     b) the program does not need the suid bit for anything but accessing
        graphics mode for SVGAlib, if you removed it for using it with the

----- snap -----

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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