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  From: Steffen Seeger <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 18:19:05 +0100 (CET)

Re: Multiple users

> Sorry if this is a totally obvious question, but I haven't found
> documentation on it:
> To experiment, I need to set up a linux box with two monitors, two
> keyboards, and two mice.  I want two users to be able to work independently
> (two X-sessions) on the same machine.
> Is it correct that GGI/GII/XGGI is able to do this for me?

Yes. Some weeks ago someone contacted me about KGI-0.9. He managed to
get the setup you describe above running with the KGI-0.9 compatibility
layer and XFree 4.0. The basic trick was to make KGI-0.9 think
there are two displays at boot, connecting two keyboards and starting
the two XServers from XDM. That was all needed to enjoy real multihead with

> Any pointers to instructions on doing this will be greatly appreciated.

I don't have his email at hand, but can dig it up if it is urgent.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jens Skakkebaek


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