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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 21:53:28 +0100

Re: yuyv reprentation in ggi

> > currently i try to find a way to set up a YUV-crossblit in ggi. GGI has no
> > support for it yet. neither a GT_YUV422 nor a abstract and fitting

> The answer is simple: forget everything about crossblit and YUV-visuals.

STOP. I have HARDWARE that can display that. The Video-Out port of my PM2
can alternatively be fed with RGB data or directly with YUV. The latter
would be preferrable for stuff that delivers YUV anyway (like J/MPEG).

Same situation for VideoIn. I can either get YUV422 or RGB-16 bit. 
RGB output is pretty broken and YUV has much better quality anyway.

I'd rather like to be able to open a second and third visual for the
auxiliary channels I have on my video card than using some strange 
homebrew interface to them.

I do not see a reason, why we could not have a YUV-Type visual.

The main problem I see is that the "color-subsampled" types cannot be 
represented by the current DirectBuffer structs.

Access via simple LibGGI commands should be a SMOP, besides the maybe
strange effect, that writing one pixel will affect the neighbouring pixel's
color. This effect is usually hardly noticeable (that's why it is done
to reduce bandwidth).

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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