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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 20:22:36 +0100

Re: ATI Mach64, XGGI ...

> i've noticed another strange reaction,
> today i tested a little assembly program which changes the color palette
> in 8bpp mode, but it doesn't seem to work, the palette entries stay the
> same with or without change, but after the syscall bit31 in eax isn't set,
> this means the syscalls was sucessful.

How do you set palette exactly ? You are talking about assembler, so ...

Is the syscall you talk about the KGI SETPALVEC ioctl call, or are you
trying to outb to the card ports ?

> On another computer with cirrus Logic 5464 Chipset and KGI Module the
> program works fine.

If you write to the card's ports directly, you are bound to loose on most
(but not all) modern chipsets. KGI drivers usually place the card in "native"
mode (if such a thing exists for the given card) which will disable all
"normal" VGA ports. This is done to 
1. Get maximum performance from the card as the mmaped access is usually
2. Allow for multiheading, as the "native" modes all have relocatable
ressources, so that you can use more than one card at a time. With VGA
compatibility mode, the ressorces clash, so that you at least have to
disable the cards alternatingly.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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