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  From: Jos Hulzink <>
  To  : Peter Amstutz <>
  Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 14:21:20 +0100 (CET)

Re: Speaking of bug reports

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Peter Amstutz wrote:

> Just read the bug reports :)  It's actually a bug in the debian packaging
> system.  It doesn't install the appropriate libggi targets by default
> along with the core libggi, so a program starts up, tries to get SOMETHING
> to display to and dies because it can't find anything.  Not my fault, not
> your fault, it's debian's fault :)

I remember an issue with Debian: They included a mp3 player in their
distribution without notifying the author, removed the check on
little-endianess (the author explicitly inserted), distributed the
software, and tried to sue the author for the software not working on a
Dec Alpha distribution....

Debian is exit IMHO.


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