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  To  :
  Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 02:38:21 -0500

More Gx00 code for those truely insane.


I've made a few more snapshots of both the kgicon and the KGI 0.9 version of
my 1x64/Gx00 driver availible at

The dali version will run more or less as I want it to and provides basic
functionality for the 1x64, G200 and G400. Much of the old code has been
removed as it's not needed and all I want for this driver is to have a clean
and working way to try out new ideas. the code is optimized for readability,
not for speed (although one often gives the other).

the Degas code however, is on a sorry state of disrepair, It's still missing
big parts of functionality and is so riddled with #warning and #error
statement that even thinking of compiling it would be a waste of time.
however, if somebody is interested in looking it over, feel free to do so.

I would appreciate any input I can get.

Thanks to Alberto Mardega for testing the G400 portion of the code.

Good luck,
	Johan Karlberg

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