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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: 21 Nov 1999 22:03:13 +0100

Re: When is the next beta due?

Bryan Patrick Coleman <> writes:

> Hello all,
> 	I am in the process with three other people of trying to release a
> ggi-centric Linux distrobution. It will contain goodies like a ggi
> graphical install and all the fb stuff (alsa too) but I would like a newer
> beta / stable release of libggi. What I have been doing so far is linking
> all of the new snap shot stuff against the last beta, but understandably
> that does not always work. I was wondering when you hard core devel people
> think you might be releaseing a new beta or better yet a stable "."
> release. 

Well,we should try getting a new beta out at least before the middle
of january, but I can't make any promises.

> 	Also I am writting a set of libraries that are along the same
> lines as ggi. Except for windowing ideas. Basicaly my goal is to make a
> lib than you can write for that will "target" diverse windowing tool kits.
> For example you write a game that will use GTK++ in x-window (or Xggi) and
> something else if its on the console. Or even the netscape widowing tk if
> exicuted from withing netscape. There will be two libs for this. liboui
> (pronouced lib-we) that will be primitive windowing concepts. Then a
> liboctopus which will be a tk that will handel higher level windowing
> concepts. liboctopus will use ggi for its graphics calls but liboui will
> be its own thang and not really handle graphics at all. 
> 	I guess I am posting this here to see if A. any one is interested
> in this and if possibly it could in the end become part of ggi and B. more
> importantly if anyone wants to help. 
> 	I can not accept any help at this time as I am writing it for an
> independant study for my cs degree. However after I turn the propject in
> then it will be open game hacking. My original goal was to write it in C
> but I am running out of time and I know C++ much better so it might have
> to be prototyped in C++ and then moved to C.

If you need to write everything from scratch there may be problems,
but the right way to do windowing/widgets on top of LibGGI is really
to finish LibGWT and port libgdk (the wrapper that GTK+ uses around X)
to it. Then you would be able to use any GTK+ application directly
on LibGGI.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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