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  From: Christoph Egger <>
  To  :, GGI-3D-List <>,, GGI-Mailing-Liste <>
  Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 14:36:11 +0100 (MET)

ANNOUNCE: 3DtoolKit: alpha4-pre13 is out

Hi folks!

The 3DtoolKit alpha4-pre13 release is out!

What's 3DtoolKit?

It's a high-level 3d-library - fast, generic, extensible and
_very_ easy-to-use. I write it for people, who

   * want to push up a complex 3d-scenery as quick as possible
   * are _not_ so friendly with DirectX, OpenGL and others
   * want to start learning doing some 3d-things
   * want todo some 3d-things just for fun...

New in this version:

* colored light ambient
* Bugfix: no overflow on the right screen edge, which caused a disturbly
          line on the left. This was reported by Ruben ( a
          time ago (TNX)
* skeleton for a new polygondrawer

It supports:

* Textures
* Bitmap-Loadroutines
* Gouraud-Shading (both smoothed and unsmoothed)
* flat-shading
* colored lighting
* dynamic and flexible format for Objekt-files
* Dynamimic size of Textures
* Z-Buffer
* _free_ camera
* viewing frustum (=3d-clipping)
* fixed- and float-frame
* object-load- and -save-routines
* stars (for better orientation) :-)

NEW: I have created a website for it:

You can also download it from there. Of course, screenshots are
there available too.

I am happy, if someone would test it...

Have fun,

Christoph Egger

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