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  From: Brian S. Julin <>
  To  : ggi-develop ,
  Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 10:46:33 -0400 (EDT)

Re: input device project

On Sat, 8 May 1999, James Simmons wrote:
> Take a look at the newest thing for teh kernel input devices. Can you say
> GGI console. Their is even a /dev/event!!!!!

Yes, It's looking a lot nicer than the first.  I've got KGI hooking
the event handlers and should have an alternate keyboard handler
integrated with the KGI console system after the weekend.
It's been really easy to work with so far.  The architecture is
as follows:

serio --> [serport] --> input_device --> input_handle --> input_handler
                                     --> input_handle --> input handler
                                     --> input_handle --> input handler

serio is a raw port access/detection module.
serport is an optional shim for rs232 ports (line discipline).
input_device is a low level driver (e.g. at/xt keyboard).
input_handle is a device-local instance of an input handler.
input_handler defines a method to process events with.

You can hook as many handles onto a device as you want; a handler
can hook multiple devices.

Some prepackaged handlers are:
mouseemu: all-in-one /dev/ node mouse reflector akin to gpm -R
evdev: /dev/evdevN node -- one node for each device
evbug: pumps event traces to console 

None of these do focus-local stuff as far as I have looked.


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