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  To  :
  Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 13:03:43 +0200 (MEST)

Re: matrox mystique and ggi

Hi !

> I installed all the GGI rpms and I have mesa installed, 

Note, that an unpatched Mesa will not run/compile properly with current
LibGGI. See Aaron's recent post on how to make a LibGGI-Beta2 enabled one.

> but I was wondering how to get matroxfb without kernel, 

This is impossible. If you want /dev/fb, the kernel has to provide it.

The only thing you can choose is whether to use the kernel builtin Matrox
driver, or the KGI driver.

> cuz I thought it was said I could it without the kernel driver?

Then you have to resort to using X or SVGAlib (or other not so interesting
options like LibAA).

> Also, it says this when I try to run XGGI and other console ggi progs.
> display-fbdev: Couldn't open framebuffer device : Not a directory

You are missing /dev/fb and don't have a (working) SVGAlib installed.
These two are the only possibilities to get graphics from the console.

Oh - yes ... suidkgi is theoretically an alternative, but I haven't touched
it for a while, so I assume it won't compile without major work, and it
is _not_ _recommended_ for the end-user (it's rather a developer-tool)
due to security and stability considerations.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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