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  From: Bob Barry <>
  To  : Marcus Sundberg <>
  Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 13:08:59 +0200

XGGI user info

I've been battling to find command line syntax acceptable to XGGI.

I found that "-targets fbdev:/dev/fb0" works, and "-targets fbdev:/dev/fb1"
works, but "-targets fbdev:/dev/fb0:fbdev:/dev/fb1" does not work and
"-targets (fbdev:/dev/fb0):(fbdev:/dev/fb1)" does not work.  I've tried many
other combinations, but can't find an acceptable multihead syntax.

XGGI seems happy with "-modes 640x480x8", but any other mode option
causes strange behaviour and stretched or chopped images.   

Should the row syntax be "-rows 2" or "-rows=2" or "rows = 2" or ???

Please give example command lines for multihead operation of
each XGGI option, and include them in the  introduction document.  

You mentioned "drop-in Xfree replacement version" in recent mail; where and
when will this be available?


Bob Barry

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