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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 15:22:07 +1000

Re: MouseMan protocoll optimisation

Christoph Egger writes:

>  I know, the damned MouseMan protocoll has 3/4 bytes packets. The extra
>  byte is only there if the middle button is active.
>  You can optimize the MouseMan protocoll like this:
>  Getting the extra byte as a packet with magic numbers in it.
>  And then switch to 4-byte mode.
>  The magic numbers are:
>  #define MOUSE_EXTRA_MAGIC_1 0xAA
>  #define MOUSE_EXTRA_MAGIC_2 0x55
>  An implementation could be:
>          if (buf[1] == MOUSE_EXTRA_MAGIC_1 && buf[2] == MOUSE_EXTRA_MAGIC_2)
>          {
>                  /* got unexpected fourth byte => switch to 4-byte mode*/
>  	}
>  	else
>  	{
>  		/* the normal 3-byte mode */
>  	} // if

Nope, you lost me there.  IIRC, that's how gpm handled it, but I don't
see the relevance to LibGII/LibGGI.  Is there something wrong with the
algorithm used in libgii/input/mouse/packetparse.c's parse_mman() ?

                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>      \/

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