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  From: Denis Oliver Kropp <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 20:36:49 +0200

Re: Dynamic linking problem?

becka@rz.uni-duesseldorf.deīs crap from Mit, 05 Mai 1999:
> The problem is simply, that you need to synchronize with the screen refresh.
> I'll see, if I can hack in support for that at least for KGIcon drivers.
> What card do you have ? Maybe we can improve that one, too.

I have a Riva TNT, I started writing a fbcon driver for it.
But I have problems with the ramdac setup, after switching
the resolution I only get refreshes of ~24khz horizontally.

Denis Oliver Kropp (dok)
+ Fischlustig +

ClanBomber, the kick ass game that uses kick ass Clanlib.
(klopft sich auf die Schulter)

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