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  From: Denis Oliver Kropp <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 01:22:55 +0200

Re: Dynamic linking problem?

Marcus Sundberg´s crap from Mit, 05 Mai 1999:
> > DGA works only if the X server is already in the right mode.
> This is because you hardcode the virtual size.

i use ggisetsimplemode now :)
works now

> > Xlib tells me it cannot set the right mode, I tried to
> > preset the right mode, too.
> This is because you hardcode the number of frames. Also note that
> the Xlib target doesn't have any DirectBuffers, so you'll need to
> add support for such targets first anyway.
> Also the size and dpp fields of ggi_mode are not initialized. They
> should be set to GGI_AUTO. I'd however recommend you to to use
> ggiSetSimpleMode() instead of ggiSetMode().
> > FBDev does not work with my vesafb(ywrap) or rivafb kgicon (TNT),
> Probably because the hardcoded frames. Run 'fbset -i' and check the
> ypanstep entry. If it's zero you can only have one frame on those
> drivers. Otherwise I'm not sure what might be the problem.
> > but it works with matroxfb (Mystique).
> > BTW: Do you know why there is flickering using FBDev or DGA
> > although I use doublebuffering (or panning in FBDev), AGP problem?
> Are you sure that you are really using double buffering? The current
> CVS version of Clanlib are not using it:
> 0 ~/src/ClanLib $> find | xargs grep to_back
> ./Layer1/Display/GGI/display_ggi.cpp:   m_target->to_back();
> ../Layer1/Display/GGI/target_ggi.cpp:void CL_Target_GGI::to_back()
> ../Layer1/Display/GGI/target_ggi.h:      virtual void to_back();
> 00 ~/src/ClanLib $> find | xargs grep to_front
> ./Layer1/Display/GGI/display_ggi.cpp:   m_target2->to_front();
> ../Layer1/Display/GGI/target_ggi.cpp:void CL_Target_GGI::to_front()
> ../Layer1/Display/GGI/target_ggi.h:      virtual void to_front();
> 00 ~/src/ClanLib $>

i have this problem with my fbdev implementation, too.
this problem does not exist on a mystique.
and panning works on both riva and mystique.

the two targets represent the two frames.
to_front() does a ggiSetDisplayFrame()
to_back() does a ggiSetWriteFrame()

is this not the usual doublebuffering method?

Denis Oliver Kropp (dok)
+ Fischlustig +

ClanBomber, the kick ass game that uses kick ass Clanlib.
(klopft sich auf die Schulter)

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