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  From: Samuel A. Falvo II <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 07:47:40 -0700

Re: Transparent Blit

> The amiga has 256 ROPs, with up to three inputs and one output.
> I don't know if you can use the same bitmap as both input and output,
> so I'll have to check this, if we are to support amigas.

Yes, the Amiga can use the same bitmap for input and output purposes.  The
blitter writes to the bitmap one blit-cycle after it reads all three
sources, due to its pipelined architecture.

      KC5TJA/6     |                  -| TEAM DOLPHIN |-
        DM13       |                  Samuel A. Falvo II
    QRP-L #1447    |
   Oceanside, CA   |......................................................

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