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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 22:32:29 +0000

Re: possible bug in libgii

Peter Danielsson wrote:
> I think I've found a bug in libgii! (at least in the latest beta,
> I haven't checked out any snapshots). In the file unix.c, around
> line 285 there is a test for async events. This test should not be
> made if the fdset is empty! (maxallfd = 0)

Actually it's not a bug as it should not be possible for maxallfd
to be 0, but because of a bug in _giiUpdateCache() below it can be. ;)
I'll take care of fixing the latter.

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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