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  From: Thad Phetteplace <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 21:49:21 -0500 (CDT)

Re: Transparent Blit

> 	Why do you want to concern yourself with the hardware accelerated
> part?  If you are writing to the LibGGI2D API, your only concern should be
> whether the API supports transparents blits The target code determines
> whether the transparent blit is accelerated or not.  It looks like
> ggi2dBlitOp and ggi2dStretchBlitOp() are what you are looking for, but they
> appear to be unimplemented as of yet.

I only mentioned hardware acceleration to avoid being sent a software
only workaround (too slow for what I am doing).  If the groundwork is
in place in LibGGI2D to do direct manipulation of video memory, I might
take a shot at implementing ggi2dBlitOp.  A direct video mem copy with
with some bit masking would probably be fast enough for my purposes,
and it will give us some fallback code for when full accel is not

Is this type of blit a standard part of SVGA?  Or will we have to
implement it on a card-by-card basis.  As you can tell, I am not
a low-level graphics expert, so any advice is appreciated.  I have
a Diablo style game engine that I am trying to port to Linux and
make open-source, and this blit issue is the final hurdle.

Thanks for the info!


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