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  From: Jim Meier <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 05:32:13 -0600

Re: GGIwrapper 0.2 wrote:
> Hi !
> > The Python-GGI interface GGIwrapper has been updated slightly. Some
> Great. Is it up on the incoming ? Didn't appear in my moveme-somewhere
> directory yet.

? Not sure what happened.. I sent it again, just to make sure.
> The two file that are not from you, are from an independent other effort
> from David Schere .
> I suppose he got encourage to show his work as well by your post.

And nice work it is! I don't have swig available to me - looks very

It seems his work and mine are in different directions: his is to
completely cover the entirety of the language (for prototyping, as he
suggests in his README), while I am looking for ways to make the GGI a
usable graphics library for python (and along those lines, any
suggestions you have would be useful.) The packaging of color objects is
one example of this.

Perhaps I should change the name to reflect this, as it is not _truly_ a
wrapper; it's something thicker and gooeyier. Perhaps "PyGGI"? That'd be
neat, as I originally wrote it to implement a hypercard clone called

You know it's time to rethink your design when you can't debug your

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