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  From: Rodolphe Ortalo <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 10:16:47 +0200

Debugging, GII_INPUT and OpenAmulet-on-LibGWT


for debugging the event management code of OpenAmulet-on-LibGWT,
I have some problems.
I need to set: GII_INPUT='(stdin):(x)' to obtain some inputs
concerning keys, mouse mouvements, etc for the GWT root
window GII input.
However, doing so, I lose control over the over windows. It
prevents me from using the debugger of course. And it is
very inconvenient when the application crashes (something
very frequent with the current state of Amulet-GGI... of
course ;-): killing the application from a VT usually is
fatal to the X11 server...

Is there a way to obtain GII input while not disturbing the
other windows of the X11 server ? Did I make a BIG mistake
in the GII_INPUT env. variable configuration ?


PS: Hi all. I'm back... :-))

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