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  From: John Weismiller <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 23:56:51 +0000 (   )

inputdump (was Re: Independent Multihead)

On Sat, 22 May 1999, Andrew Apted wrote:

> And the `inputdump' program is good for debugging input drivers (it's in
> libggi/programs/util directory).  </shameless-plug-mode> :-)

I have found one "feature": My keyboard's buttons start at 0x56 and go up
to 0xff - The MAX_NR_BUT define at the beginning needed to be changed or
the buttons would not show. 

However, I think the input driver is almost done! I have the keysym's
almost working!

John Weismiller, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
email:, ICQ 12833806.

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